32 Technologies


How to Boost the Performance of Your i3 Laptop with Simple Tips
  • 16-10-2023
  • by  32 Technologies
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How to Boost the Performance of Your i3 Laptop with Simple Tips

Is your laptop running slow? Or, let’s say your i3 laptop is facing other technical issues. In the realm of steadily propelling technology, the once-strong laptop speed might begin to reveal how old it very well may be. 

Be that as it may, this doesn't mean you need to toss it to the side and put resources into a new, more remarkable machine. 32 Technologies, the best marketplace for rental laptops/PCs in Kolkata, is here to share with you some excellent device maintenance tips. Moreover, you’ll learn how to increase your laptop speed.

Some of the common queries users generally report include:

  1. The old laptop is becoming obsolete.
  2. How to increase the laptop performance. 
  3. The SSD card for the laptop is not up-to-date.
  4. How to fast laptop speed.
  5. Resolving the problem of your laptop running slow.

With a couple of basic hints and deceives, you can give your dependable i3 laptop a huge performance boost and cause it to feel like new once more. 

Whether you utilize your laptop for work, school, or amusement, these tips can assist you with improving its performance and expanding its life expectancy. In this blog, we will investigate different procedures to rejuvenate your i3 laptop and make it more effective. Additionally, we discover:

  • Why it is important to renovate your SSD card for the laptop

Understanding the Intel Core i3 Laptop Processor

  • Before we jump into the performance-improving tips, it's fundamental to comprehend what an i3 processor is. 
  • The Intel Core i3 is a line of double-core and quad-core processors that are essential for the Intel Core series. 
  • These processors are known for their harmony in performance and energy productivity. 
  • While they may not be essentially as strong as the i5 or i7 processors, they are even more than fit for taking care of regular registering errands.
  • The Intel Core i3 processor is ordinarily tracked down in laptops, and it's generally expected to be chosen for its reasonableness and low power utilization. 
  • It's ideally suited for undertakings like web perusing, word handling, increasing laptop speed, and watching videos. 
  • Be that as it may, if you push it excessively hard with asset-concentrated applications or perform various tasks, you could see a lessening in performance.

How to Boost the Performance of Your i3 Laptop?

Presently, we will show you how to boost the performance of your i3 laptop.

1. Clean Up Your Hard Drive

Over the long run, your hard drive can become cluttered with pointless records, which can dial back your laptop speed. Begin by tidying up your hard drive, eliminating impermanent records, and reserving documents, and unused applications. 

Windows users can utilize the implicit Circle Cleanup device, while Macintosh users can utilize the "Capacity The board" included. This tip is very helpful for you if you’re facing the problem of your laptop running slow.

2. Upgrade Your RAM

One of the most successful ways of boosting the performance of your i3 laptop is to upgrade your RAM (Irregular Access Memory). 

Numerous i3 laptops accompany 4GB or 8GB of RAM, which can be a restricting variable for performing various tasks and running memory-serious applications. While thinking about how to fast laptop speed, consider moving up to 8GB or 16GB of RAM assuming your laptop's determinations permit it. 

More RAM will permit your old laptop to deal with different applications at the same time and decrease the need to utilize virtual memory, which can pump the brakes.

3. Utilise an SSD Card for the Laptop

Supplanting your laptop's customary hard drive with a strong state drive (SSD card for the laptop) can improve things greatly regarding performance. 

SSDs are altogether quicker than HDDs and can radically lessen boot times and application stacking times. This is perhaps the most significant upgrade you can make to a more seasoned laptop.

4. Upgrade Your Operating System 

Keeping your operating system and gadget drivers exceptional is essential for keeping up with ideal performance. Makers discharge updates to fix bugs, upgrade security, and further develop performance. 

Guarantee that you have the most recent OS updates and drivers for your old laptop. On Windows, you can utilize Windows Update, and on macOS, you can track down refreshes in the "Software Update" segment of the System Inclinations.

5. Advance Startup Programs

Your i3 laptop may be delayed in firing up in light of the number of programs sending off at boot. Cripple or eliminate pointless startup programs to lessen boot times and let loose system assets. 

On Windows, you can utilize the "Assignment Chief" to oversee startup applications, and on macOS, you can do this in "System Inclinations" under "Users and Gatherings."

6. Oversee Foundation Cycles

Watch out for foundation processes that may be consuming system assets. 

You can utilize the Undertaking Chief on Windows or Movement Screen on macOS to recognize and close asset-hungry applications or cycles. 

Finishing these undertakings can let loose significant computer chips and RAM.

7. Enhance Power Settings

Change your old laptop's power settings to adjust performance and energy productivity. 

Utilizing the "Elite Performance" or "Adjusted" power plans can give your i3 laptop a performance boost, yet it could influence battery life. 

Then again, utilizing the "Power Saver" plan can expand battery life to the detriment of some performance.

8. Keep Your Old Laptop Cool

Overheating can prompt warm choking, which can fundamentally influence your laptop's performance. 

Ensure your laptop stays cool by cleaning its vents and fans consistently. You can likewise put resources into a laptop cooling cushion to assist with scattering heat all the more.

9. Enhance Browser Performance

On the off chance that web perusing is a critical piece of your laptop use, improve your browser for better performance. 

Utilise lightweight browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome and install augmentations like uBlock Beginning to obstruct asset-hungry advertisements. 

Clear your browser store and treat it routinely to guarantee smooth perusing.

10. Lessen Special Visualisations

Current operating systems frequently accompany different enhanced visualizations and movements that can cause difficulties. This, in turn, creates a problem of the laptop running slow. You can incapacitate or diminish these impacts to upgrade performance. 

On Windows, go to the "Performance Choices" and select the "Adapt to best performance" choice. On macOS, you can diminish movement impacts in "Openness" settings.

11. Uninstall the Unneeded Software

Survey your installed applications and eliminate any you never again use. Pointless software can consume significant plate space and dial back your laptop. Also, a few applications might run foundation processes that gobble up system assets.

12. Run Plate Defragmentation (HDD As it were)

On the off chance that your laptop utilizes a conventional hard drive, running circle defragmentation can assist with further developing performance by putting together information all the more productively. 

Windows has an inherent device for this, while macOS unexpectedly handles information association.

13. Think about a New OS Installation

On the off chance that your i3 laptop is as yet slow despite attempting every one of the above tips, consider doing a perfect OS installation. 

This can eliminate any collected mess and give your old laptop a new beginning. Simply make sure to back up your information before continuing.

14. Screen for Malware and Infections

Malware and infections can cause the problem of your laptop running slow. Install dependable antivirus software and lead normal outputs to flawlessly keep your laptop protected and running.

15. Upgrade Your Illustrations Driver

On the off chance that your laptop has incorporated illustrations, refreshing your design driver can assist with further developing performance, particularly while utilizing sight and sound applications or messing around.

16. Overclock (Advanced Users Only)

For educated users, overclocking your central processor and GPU can give a critical performance boost. In any case, this is a perplexing cycle and can be dangerous, so tread carefully and guarantee you grasp the likely outcomes.

17.  Upgrade Your Wi-Fi Card (If Appropriate)

If you're encountering slow web speeds, updating your laptop's Wi-Fi card can have an effect. A quicker Wi-Fi card can prompt better web-based performance and avoid your laptop running slow.

18. Change Virtual Memory Settings

If your laptop runs out of actual RAM, it utilizes virtual memory (pagefile on Windows, trade on macOS) to redress. 

You can physically change the virtual memory settings to further develop performance. 

In any case, this ought to be finished with an alert provided that you grasp the ramifications.

19. Clean up Your Work area

Having a jumbled work area with numerous symbols can dial back your laptop's startup time. Coordinate your work area and move superfluous documents to organizers.

20. Upgrade Your Battery

If your laptop's battery is old and holds a charge, updating it can work on the laptop's general performance. Another battery will guarantee you can involve your laptop for longer periods without being fastened to an outlet.

21. Reset Your Laptop (Final)

If nothing from what was just mentioned tips works on your i3 laptop's performance, you can consider resetting it to its manufacturing plant settings. 

This will eliminate every one of your information and installed programs, so try to back up everything significant. A reset can be an uncommon measure however, it can give your laptop a new beginning.


In conclusion, an i3 laptop offered on rent by 32 Technologies may not be the most impressive machine available, yet with the right improvements and upgrades, it can, in any case, work well for you. 

By following these tips, you can boost your laptop's performance and broaden its life expectancy, saving you the cost and bother of buying another one. 

Recall that standard support and care are vital to keeping any laptop moving along as expected, so make these tips a piece of your everyday practice to partake in a snappier figuring experience on your dependable i3 laptop.

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