32 Technologies

Printer on rent in kolkata

Brands We Deal

Why invest in buying?

Rent conveniently

Cash Flow Benefit

Cash Flow Benefit

Minimum Downtime

Minimum Downtime

Easy Upgradation

Easy Upgradation

Updated Technology

Updated Technology

No Scrapping Expense

No Scrapping Expense

No Cost Maintenance

No Cost Maintenance

Preserve Cash & Resources

Preserve Cash & Resources

Flexibility Of Choice

Flexibility Of Choice

Meet Short Term Needs

Meet Short Term Needs

Project Based Budgeting

Project Based Budgeting

Our Clients Opinion

Why Choose Us

20 Years of Smiles, 20 Years of Trust. We're passionate about providing exceptional rental experiences.

Door Step Delivery
Door Step Delivery

Experience fast and hassle-free doorstep delivery of goods all over Kolkata at reasonable charges

Quick Support
Quick Support

We respect your time and hence, strictly adhere to deadlines. Thus, you can always count on us for timely support.

Great Customer Satisfaction
Great Customer Satisfaction

Without Customers, no business can thrive. At 32 Technologies, we understand that and clearly operate at the level of high customer satisfaction. 

Quality Checked Products
Quality Checked Products

Our technical team checks every product for any faults before we send to our esteemed customer. 

Latest Products
Latest Products

We keep upgrading our product range from time to time with the latest new launches.

Reasonable Pricing
Reasonable Pricing

We try hard to offer reasonable rental prices along with maintaining good quality products and service. 

We provide printers for events like Trade shows, Exhibition, Conference, Training Program etc

All in One Printer on Rent

Laser printer on Rent

Color Printer on Rent

Quality checked before delivery

Printers provided on hire will be in superior working condition, our team does quality checks before sending out printers to our customers. In case we find any product with an issue while installation we provide an immediate replacement.

Offering fast, reliable maintenance and technical support

We provide guaranteed quick support for rental printers' problems. Our printer rental service is widely acknowledged by our clients for its reliability, timely maintenance, and support. We at 32 Technologies do not compromise with our services, for printer hire in Kolkata contact us.


The rental cost for a printer ranges from Rs 1000 to Rs 3000 depending on printer type and tenure.  

Delivery and Pickup
Delivery and pickup are available in most locations in and around Kolkata.
Chargeable distance basis.
Self-pickup and drop are only available for existing customers. New Customers must opt for delivery for address verification.

Why rent from 32 Technologies

32 Technologies has been in the IT rental business for the last 20 years, we are amongst the most trusted Computer Rental agency in Kolkata. While ordering printers on hire from us we take care of the installation as per requirement.

For more questions visit our FAQ section or Contact Us

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